NAME___________________      PERIOD____                              DATE_____________________

Use your best English skills to research the following and answer questions in detail 3pts each. Write neatly worth 10pts. Heading 3pts.

*All media are construction

  1. What is the title?
  2. Who is the producer?
  3. What is the genre of this movie?
  4. Is the movie adapted from a book or play? If yes, witch one and who is the author?
  5. Were changes made to the text so it could be made into a movie (research on your own)? What were they?

*The media construct reality

  1. What is the historical context of the movie? Does it fit?
  2. What is the main vision of reality that the movie is putting forward as the truth?
  3. What techniques make the movie seem true?

*Audiences negotiate meaning in the media

  1. What was the theme of this film or what was the director trying to tell us? Were they successful? Justify your answer.
  2. Was there something you didn't understand about the movie? What was it?
  3. Would this movie appeal to you and your peers, or your parents generation?  Why?

*Media contain ideological and value messages

  1. Who was your favorite character in the movie? What were their personal values?
  2. Who was your least favorite character in the movie? What were their personal values?
  3. Were you supposed to learn anything from this movie? What was it?

*Media have commercial implications

  1. What did you like best about the movie? Why?
  2. What did you like least about the movie? Why?
  3. What was the budget to make this movie (research on your own)?
  4. Was there any advertising in the movie? If so, what?

*Media have social and political implications

  1. What is the conflict in this film? Who are the contending characters?
  2. How is the conflict resolved?
  3. Select an action performed by one of the characters in the film and explain why the character took that action. What motivated him or her? What did this motivation have to do with the theme of the film?
  4. Are there any obvious social or political statements?

*Form and content are closely related in the media

  1. Describe the use of color in the film? Did it advance the emotions the director were trying to evoke? How would you have used color in the movie?
  2. Analyze the use of music in the movie. Did it enhance the story that the director were trying to tell? How would you have used music in this movie?
  3. What was the structure of the story told by the movie?
  4. How did the editing of the film advance the story that the director was trying to tell? Explain how?

*Each medium has a unique aesthetic form

  1. What were the most common techniques the director used?
  2. Were the techniques effectively used?