Film and TV Production Final Exam June 2007

TAKE HOME TEST (Do NOT “work with other students” plagiarism = “F” for both students)

DIRECTIONS: Of the concepts we have explored this year in the list below, select one topic or statement to write a well developed essay (include the handwritten rough draft) according to the guidelines provided at the bottom of this page.  All essays must reference, but are not limited to, media we have seen this year.  For the highest grade possible, be sure to demonstrate your best knowledge and employment of the English language…at a level deserving of graduation----

Your grade will be based on the following guidelines* (10% each):

  1. q Use a proper heading and title indicate the topic number you’ve selected (name, date, title, etc.)
  2. q Use a well developed introduction.
  3. q Each of the three (minimum) body paragraphs must begin with a q topic sentence.
  4. q You must identify and use media we have studied to support your points in each body paragraph.
  5. q You must identify and use the eight key concepts of media literacy to support your points in each body paragraph
  6. q Use a well developed conclusion.
  7. q Include as many specific examples and quotations as you are able.
  8. q Turn in the handwritten rough draft with the q final draft on the day due Monday, June 4, 2007
  9. q The handwritten rough draft should include evidence of correction, differing from the final draft.
  10. PROOFREAD for the following: q Do not use slang, q  shift tense (confuse time) or q shift number (confuse plural / singular) or use the following words: q I, q you, q we, q me, & q us.


READ ALL THE GUIDELINES after you elect one from the following ten topics for your essay:

  1. What does it mean to be a “Merchant of Cool?”  Who profits from this process and why is it in their best interest to create fads like gambling, tattoo’s, piercing, and online communities for young adults who come to believe this is normal or cool?


  1. Contrary to popular belief, the courts have decided that it is not against the law to outright lie on television news programs.  Discuss the role of news media in a democratic society.          


  1. In Galaxy Quest, the Thermions believed that the transmissions about the crew of the NSA Protector were “Historical Documents,” in what way might some media be mistaken for historical documents or reality?                                     


  1. Our own dreams and goals for the future can become our own “Frankenstein Monsters,” how might media be a real Frankenstein Monster for modern man and how do we contribute to making this creature?


  1. Until relatively recently, the idea of what it means to be a teenager has changed to include the stereotype of “Mook or Midriff.”   Before this time, children became “young adults” and were expected to take on greater and greater responsibility.  How has media created a false image of what it means to be 15-25 years old?


  1. Given the status of corporate “Legal Persons” with limited liability, discuss the forms and the power of “Branding” for corporations—legal people who are driven by profit and who never die.               


  1. Identify and discuss recent developments in form and technique used to influence or to persuade in speeches, documentaries, film, and advertisements. Recall,  the effect on the public of “The Estate Tax” with a change to “The Death Tax” and “Global Warming” with a change to “Climate Change.”


  1. Discuss the ways media influences our concepts of gender and social class.


  1. In what ways is technology related to our use of media? In your answer, consider the Internet, the printing press, T-shirts, designer clothes, computers, and barcodes.               


  1.  Discuss the value of watching media with an analytical or critical perspective providing a new way to enjoy film and other types of media. 

*NOTE----- Lose one full letter grade per day late.  Due at start of class on Monday, June 4, 2007

Technical problem(s)? Get a note from parent or guardian.